Spirit of '75
To our Semi-invited Head-AH-Mates YOG '75
Happy Summer! We're about to make it even happi-AH!!
Welcome to our Spirit of '75 (not '76), A Celebration of Life, co-hosted by Mike Hoffman and Wes Foy. At Mike's place in Happy Valley / Pioneer Valley.
Why write and why do??? This year, several of us lost a parent - (e.g. Mike's step-dad, Wesley's dad and Jamey's mom). Almost all of us have lost at least one parent in the last 10 years. Each and every one a member of the Greatest Generation.
We host this Berkshire getaway extended weekend to honor them, and others we have lost. We create this short-long weekend, Thursday through Sunday morning. Folks are welcome for all or part, depending on your “retirement status and schedules”. No hassles, no stress and certainly no guilt or judgment. Come when you can.
- Where: In and around Belchertown, MA. Home base will be Mike Hoffman's, 112 North St, Belchertown, MA 01007
- Accommodations: We'll reserve 1-2-3 LAHGE rental FAHM HOMES in the Belchertown/Amherst/Northampton area.
- Food: Some meals will be at Mike's house, then there are the picnics (which older folks are keen on) and we'll do at least one locavore, farm-to-table. Identify yourselves as foodies so we may draft folks to be in smaller team groups for the potlucks at Mike's. To start, Mike will lead one group. Wes another. We'll buy food, cook food and clean up as our parents taught us. No outside caterers or service. Camp style like at Jamey's in NH, back in the day. Keto is the house diet
- Activities: Pickleball or tennis, swim or wade, bike or kayak, walk or jog on paths, birdwatching or dog walking, cold plunge, yoga, tai chi and meditation. Local sightseeing. Hang out at the anyone's houses. Need a dog - we have an ample supply here. Light beer wine or even weed (Happy Valley). Maybe frisbee for Wes, Volleyball for me or sailing for KVD/RH. Maybe a bagpipe can be had. There also cool museums: Eric Carle, Yiddish, Smith and Emily Dickinson.
- One night lodging: $150 per person
- Two nights lodging: $300 per person
- Three nights lodging: $450 per person
These prices are ALL INCLUSIVE. This includes lodging, food, sport and culture.
We ASK you to consider an optional donation of $100, more if you can or less if you can. If we raise enough money, we will purchase a memorial bench in Marblehead in honor of deceased family members of the Class of '75. If we don't raise enough money, we'll make a group donation to Marblehead Dollars for Scholars. If we raise more than the price of a bench, we'll donate the surplus to Dollars for Scholars.
Payment can be made via check or Venmo to Mike (@mshmikido).
RSVP by Friday, June 21. Any questions? Contact Mike at michaelsh96@gmail.com or (701) 771-1096. Give early indication to me in the next two weeks. June 14. The first 12 folks who reply affirmative will earn first priority. Then it's as we can. This eases the hassle for planning accommodations.
* A Semi-Invitational is meant to be inclusive, not exclusive. We had to start somewhere. Guests are more than welcome. We also welcome others from the Class of 75 if you wish. Spread the word at your leisure. Right now, the more the merrier. So send names.
** People will confirm - not with a deposit - by sending my their top 3 tunes from back in the day - for our Spotify list.
*** If funds allow, we'll also create some awesome swag.
Checkout the Spirit of '75' Spotify Playlist